Social media is changing and in 2021 it’s become more important than ever. Being a valuable channel for marketers to reach and convert customers, brands need to focus on social media strategies too. A survey conducted by Datareportal’s Digital snapshot 2020 stated that nearly half of respondents have spent more time on social media due to COVID-19. 

Right from rising platforms to worthy causes, utilizing social media for shopping, live events, or forming relationships, 2021 social media trends is certainly something to look forward to.

Key Findings

  • Studies show that 75% of people don’t accept advertisements as truth
  • 63% of social media users feel consumer ratings are a priority
  • 70% of consumers believe customer opinions more than advertisements
  • 90% of people believe in brand recommendation from friends

This shows us that people trust strangers more than advertisements. Hence, to work in 2021, social media marketers must invest in their relationships with employees, customers, and influencers. This will ensure brand messages are backed up by voices that customers value. Here are a few trends to look forward to in 2021:


Two-way communication is the key to boosting organic growth.  Brands need an engaged online community who engages with your content through likes, comments, and shares. This will help amplify content, through a channel which customers trust. Be it influencer marketing, reviews, etc. using nano influencers especially those who already have a brand affinity, and finding ways to collaborate with them is an essential component of your digital marketing.


Social media has diversified tremendously this year with TikTok, pioneering as a new approach in social engagement. The introduction of Instagram’s Reel has also offered the opportunity to create short 15 second videos. A diversified social media field has definitely been laid down. Hence, it becomes vital to reconsider content posted on social media platforms and explore previously unexplored platforms.


Live social media has performed tremendously this year. Using live streaming, especially during the pandemic has helped fill the physical void for consumers. Marketers can use this opportunity to meet their customers live online. Additionally, live social media innovation has helped brands achieve their goals in ways previously unknown.

Social Causes

With political, environmental, and social issues taking the centre stage this year brands need to start conversations about the issues close to customers’ hearts. Merkle’s 2020 Media Insights Report found that 56% of consumers say they would not buy from businesses that remain silent on important issues. It’s now time for brands to use social platforms to inform and reassure customers. Brand giants such as Nike, Disney and Ben & Jerry’s have delved into this during the Covid-19 pandemic. Brands using this have seen increased interaction and engagement with customers.

Social Commerce

87% of e-commerce shoppers say that social media helps them make shopping decisions. Hence with Pinterest catalogues, Facebook and Instagram shops, 2021 is the perfect time for social e-commerce. Infiltrating social media, will improve the shopping experience, and shorten the purchase process. 

Hence, the above-mentioned trends will certainly help companies perform better and increase sales, while directly creating engaging content. Contact experts from Tenvio to help your company ace the 2021 social media game. 

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