An optimized product page is essential for an eCommerce store, especially during the pandemic. Many products are now competing to be on page 1 in Google search and easily available for consumers who are searching for them. 

An optimized product page not only helps drive traffic but also converts the browsers into buyers. This will beat out the competition, and it will ensure the product pages are optimized. 

Here is a checklist to follow to ensure your eCommerce product page is optimized for success: 

The Dos:

1. A Keyword Strategy

Keyword research is the foundation for product page optimization. When researching one must use product-focused topics that users are actively searching for. Data from paid searches, can be used in the keywords, topic research and incorporate ad copy which will translate high click-through rates into meta descriptions.

2. Titles & Meta Descriptions

Title tags and meta descriptions are very important in product page optimization and it should include: 

  • The product brand 
  • Name of the product.
  • Model number.
  • And other important information

3. Product Pages with Structured Data

Collating the correct structure for data can help brands show up as rich snippets. All product pages should have product and review schema, which will help in:

  • Driving more impressions and clicks
  • And Improves CTR and drives more sales

4. FAQ Content

It is a must to have high-quality content that will meet the needs of users. If users do not find the content useful, bounce rates will be high, and customers may not buy the product.

5. Unique Product writeup & Meta Descriptions

Tailored content for each item can help rank branded and non-branded keywords. Hence, these should include a unique description. This will offer the consumers information which will help click on the listing and drive more traffic and sales.

6. Real Testimonials & Customer Reviews

Sharing genuine testimonials from customers who have tried your product will help purchase decisions and reflect well. It was also seen that product pages with customer reviews convert 58% more visitors than their review-free counterparts. Reviews help build trust while also providing fresh, unique content. 

7. Test the Landing Pages

Using tools like Optimizely and Google Optimize will help test the variations within product pages, which will help you figure out the ideal configuration. Changing the location of the call to action, etc, will help drive more conversions. Testing various page layout options and choosing the most impactful one is vital.

8. Quality Video & Imagery

High-quality images and videos can bridge that gap between the physical store and the virtual one. It provides end-users with the information they need to make confident purchases.

9. Minimize Load Times

Products need to be optimized for mobile. Fast-loading web pages will help get the content to the target audience faster and provide a better user experience. This also helps in increasing sales, revenue, and pages per session while decreasing bounce rates.

10. Audit the Product Pages 

Auditing the pages to see which technical and content elements need to be optimized is important. Elements to look out for include:

  • Title tags and meta descriptions
  • Slow page load times
  • Broken links
  • Thin content
  • 404 pages
  • 302 redirects
  • And missing structured data

The Don’ts:

1. Product Descriptions from Manufacturer’s Website

One of the most common mistakes in optimizing product pages is the usage of manufacturer descriptions. Most of the descriptions are not compelling and not optimized for search. Taking time to write descriptions will fare better. 

2. Don’t Remove Seasonal Pages 

A product page even if it is seasonal builds up rankings, traffic, and sales over time, hence it should not be removed. Even though they might not serve a real purpose creating content again each year would be challenging. 

3. Automated Optimization is a no

Dynamically populated product pages with the name of the product as the title tag, followed by brand and nothing else, is not a best practice. It needs to include important information in the titles, to rank for targeted keywords.

4. Out of Stock Pages Should Not be Removed

Even if products go out of stock the URL needs to still be live, especially if the page has rankings and traffic. Keeping the pages live and providing links to other, relevant products will prove to be beneficial. 

5. Usage of the Wrong Type of Structured Data 

Structured data can help the site rank and get more traffic and sales. Many brands do not implement structured data, however, this data will help the site rank for its rich snippets.

6. Weak Calls to Action

Many brands do not have strong calls to action, however, the use of clean and easy CTAs are a must-have for any site. The main job of a product page is to drive revenue and sales, hence a strong CTA is important. 

7. Do not Optimize Low-Volume Keywords

It is important to think like a customer and use that data to make decisions about which keywords to use. Optimizing keywords that do not rank will decrease revenue and clicks. 

8. Opportunities for Internal Linking & Backlinks

Opportunities to link for internal links and backlinks should not be missed. If these are linked pages will rank and will result in high purchase intent, that can increase revenue and sales. These efforts will improve both visibility and performance.

9. Wrong Prices

Not having the right pricing strategy may cause unrest in consumers. Hence, by choosing competitive pricing it will generate higher revenue, increase sales as well as clicks. 

10. Don’t Forget Mobile Optimization

Mobile devices are used tremendously to shop online. Not having a mobile-friendly product page can cause users to not buy products from your site. This optimization will also help in driving traffic to the website, and increase sales.

By following these guidelines including optimizing your page titles, descriptions, body content, building up internal links, and decorating your pages with structured data, will help you rank your website and create a successful SEO strategy for 2021. 

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