Magento Career you didn’t know existed

The tech space continues to dish out something new every hour, every day, creating job opportunities for individuals who have a passion for technology and want to contribute to socio-economic development. As of today, open source technology is the hotspot of tech professionals. Take Magento for example. Used for building Ecommerce sites, Magento web development attracts fresh and experienced developers and programmers to become contributors to the ever-evolving platform.

Magento career options
With its new, feature-rich version of Magento 2, it opens up an entire array of options for tech professionals to choose from. You can specialize in PHP, HTML, CSS, LESS, RWD, JavaScript, Databases like MySQL, or Frameworks.

To be able to work with Magento, you need to be a Magento Certified tech expert. Not that it is compulsory, but being a specialist always puts you ahead of others in terms of knowledge and help you build trust in your clients that their business and work are in good hands.

Magento offers four types of certifications– Magento Certified Solution Specialist, Front End Developer Certification, Certified Developer, and Developer Plus. Even if you are an experienced and seasoned professional, these tests will help you assess your skills and weigh it against the quality and standard that Magento developers are known for. These rigorous exams thoroughly test your tech skills, so you can stand out as an expert.

To work as a Backend Developer with Magento 2, you need to have prior knowledge of PHP, and basics of MySQL, XML, and JavaScript. For a Frontend Developer, it is important to have experience with HTML, CSS, LESS, RWD, JavaScript, Knockout JS, and basics of PHP and XML.

With the constant growth of Magento with new features and functionalities being added every day, there is no limit to what tech experts can do in the future. Individuals with a Magento certification have a better edge when they hired by a Magento development company. Since the certifications prove competency in Magento development, it helps employers to take faster decisions, based on results. After all, a career is only worthwhile when you can make a difference to the economy, market, the society, and most importantly, yourself!

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